2-year-old Khaleesi loves to play fiercely with wand toys and cat nip toys. She needs interactive playtime!
She is VERY vocal and LOVES to be petted and just about anything that could pass for a toy. She is active and affectionate.
Loves to splash water from her bowl.
Khaleesi has tested positive for FIV, as have many of the foster cats In our care who come in from life outside. She can still live a long happy life with other neutered/spayed kitties.
in terms of personality she definitely wants a lot of attention and stimulation, and does NOT like to be left alone. She’s 7 pounds of all talk.
Khaleesi let her fosterer clip her front claws with no fuss.
She’s not particularly a jumper, but she does like to get into whatever you’re doing.
Her litterbox habits appear impeccable.
She uses a carpet scratcher enthusiastically, and will
need a scratcher wherever she ends up. Toys that make noise are good.
She also needs a fountain or something instead of just a bowl of water.
SOOOOOOO affectionate and cuddly.
For more information, write to us at hydeparkcatsadoptions@gmail.com !