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Nermal (formerly Isis) is a long-haired gray tabby with pretty chartreuse eyes. She has a loud purr but a delicate meow. She was living on the streets until she was found with her babies. (Do you happen to remember those absolutely gorgeous Maine-coon-esque kitties from a while back? Those were her kittens!) She is still a little on the shy side but is definitely friendly and is getting friendlier every day. She is also very good with other cats–she is patient and lets them come around to her.

Nermal’s foster mom writes in with some more details on Nermal’s personality: “She is very sweet and mild-mannered, and her meows are adorably dainty. She’s still timid and doesn’t seek out attention yet, but she’s very affectionate when she’s being petted, and she especially loves being brushed. When she’s relaxed, she’ll often roll over and offer her fuzzy belly to whoever is doting on her. She’s gotten to try out most of her foster sisters’ toys; she got bored with the laser pen after about 2 minutes, but shoelaces and wand toys she would probably play with for hours. … My favorite thing is when she flops over for belly rubs.  I think that move alone could melt the coldest heart.”

She very much enjoys having a quiet home where she can relax and feel safe.  She ventures into all the areas of the apartment now, but she still prefers the living room with the comfy chairs and good viewing windows.  She hops onto the bed occasionally to say goodnight and get a little petting in before bed, and she sometimes sleeps on the chair in the bedroom, especially if the other cats have decided to sleep on the bed that night.  She also enjoys sitting on our laps while we’re having coffee in the morning.  I think she’d be happiest in a laid back home, though she does really like playing with interactive toys, and she enjoys the company of other cats. She’s introverted but very affectionate!

If you are interested in meeting beautiful Nermal please write to us at !
