Arrow and Batman

Lisa and Bart. Alexis and David. Shuri and T’challa. Siblings in TV or fiim are great and this brother and sister are no different. They may squabble but in the end they have and will support and comfort each other.

Meet Batman. Like Bart, he is outgoing, dog-friendly, curious, chatty and…once he gets his bearings…affectionate; a typical orange cat. He’s a big fan of head bumps, investigating and (bonus) is great at the vet’s office.

Arrow is (at first) the more reserved of the pair, but once she warms up, she is excellent at reading a room; she is content with sitting quietly and watching, napping, or retiring to a room to play with a favorite toy solo.

Looking to invite the perfect pair into your home? Consider Batman and Arrow: the new dynamic duo.

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