Lucille is a chatty, friendly, curious, darling young girl who was rescued from a hoarding situation.. she has been waiting a long time for a furrrrever home. Can you help us find one for her?
Introducing our first kitty from the South Side overcrowding situation we are working on: Lucille. Lucille acclimated quickly to life without 41 feline housemates. She is active, friendly and chatty. She was named by her foster mom in honor of her gift for physical comedy. Her antics include running around the room in circles while awkwardly toting the the door-hanging cardboard scratching post, including under and around the couch and having episodic full-body battles with the edge of the rug. We think she was very excited to have space to roam!
A special call-out today to some end-of-year donors.
To Linda W-I, thank you so much! To Judith D. and Michael C., thank you for helping us help even more kitties. To Yoko K., we thank YOU for YOUR endless care and love of our darling alum, Tapioca. To Yvette S., mille grazie and we hope Kitty and Pops are bringing you and yours much joy. To Bela H., what can we say to those who donate not only their time and their expertise but also their cash — but thank you.
And to Dan M., thank you for the very generous gift made via our our special tax-deductible donation program at Treehouse Humane Society’s low-cost (and high-quality) spay/neuter clinic. By donating directly to our spay/neuter fund at the clinic, you make our lives easier and our dollars go even further — and you get a benefit too. See this FAQ for more information.
To all who gave their money, time, care, and help to our cause in 2012 — thank you. The unspayed and uncared for kitties who will benefit thank you too. In the last several years, using only your donated dollars and our volunteers’ time, we have found furrever homes for over 300 cats and spay/neutered not only those but many more. May 2013 bring more neutering, more love, and fewer homeless cats.
Lucille: A long-form prose poem by Fostermom.
She has the least pretentious attitude towards toys I’ve ever encountered – everything is entertaining, and she does a good job creating fun for herself.
She has excellent household manners – uses the scratch post, impeccable litter box etiquette, etc.
She absolutely loves attention – simple eye contact will make her do tons of belly rolls trying to tempt you into massaging her. (You have to succumb. It’s too cute).
Great appetite — she was very thin when she arrived but looks less emaciated no. She loves wet food and dry food — not too picky, but takes her time eating.
Would do fine with a household of any ages and with other cats. She is still getting comfortable with us (very reticent to be picked up, doesn’t like any fast movements), but never shows any aggression. She resents Henry-the-cat’s curiosity with her, but nips his intrigue in the bud with a quick hiss or paw swipe – nothing that would do him any damage in the least.
She’s a good kitty!