
***I have been adopted!***

Jezebel has a pretty incredible story.

She was a very thin, very hungry blind cat found outside the Chicago Theological Seminary in late October on an unseasonably cold day. She had been living on the street for awhile, amazingly given that she is blind in both eyes. She gladly accepted food and warmth at the Chicago Theological Seminary, where caring folks then contacted Hyde Park Cats.

She was quickly placed in a foster home and received vet care. It was determined that she was blind likely due to a congenital condition or previous infection, and her exposed eyes were now at risk for serious infection, so the vet recommended an eye specialist. The specialist then told us she needed to have at least her right eye removed or it would become a danger to her health. Here are photos of her from before the surgery:

jezebel 2

Jezebel 2 (1)

jezebel 1

The estimated bill for this surgery was $1,000. Because we are an all volunteer, all donation based cat rescue group with a small budget, we reached out to donors to get Jezebel the surgery she needed. This is the video we made for our youcaring fundraising page:

We raised the money, and the incredible part is that thanks to some incredibly generous supporters, we were able to raise the funds in 24 hours. We even raised enough to have both eyes removed, so that she could live a long happy life without worry of future infection, and potential adopters would not have to worry about vet bills down the road.

She had her surgery in January, her recovery went very well, and here she is post-surgery!

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Jezebel is an amazing cat. She is in many ways a kitten in a cat’s body–so much love and energy and playfulness. She doesn’t let being blind get in the way of fetching toys, chasing treats, and nuzzling you for loves. She is a small calico with soft fur and gorgeous markings.

If you are interested in adopting Jezebel, please write to us at !

And in case you were wondering, how does a blind cat play with toys? With gusto! This video is a must watch:

Page last updated: March 25, 2014

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