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Bolero is the happiest kitten ever. She talks to herself and snuggles so much! She had to have a mini-bath the other day and when her fosterer wrapped her up in a dish towel she just laid on her and purred like a mini burrito.

She tends to look inquisitive in photos and like any kitten, she loves to play. She even taps her fosterer’s fingers when she types on her iPhone.

To meet this little sweetheart, write to us at !

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Tippy: A Day in the Life

Photo 45 # photo 23 #

Foster cat Tippy has quite a routine!

His fosterers shared his schedule:

7am: Gets bored after a long night, and meows with a short, high tune to inform the human of his need for touch

7:30-8am: Follows the human around, collapses onto the floor multiple times to ask for pets (note: showing his belly doesn’t mean he wants a belly rub – he’ll let you know by pushing his hind legs onto your arm)

Daytime options:

– Sits beside the window and hunts for the birds outside.

– [Most popular choice] Curls up on his sunny spot, takes a deep, audible and visible breath and falls into a long nap. Occasionally stretches and/or changes posture (usually curling up more) in his dreams.

– Sneaks up onto the human’s dresser and steals a hair tie. Hunts for it alllllll around the room.

– Plays with the ball on track. Attacks from different angles and sometimes lies onto the track to stop the evil ball from escaping his control.

– Very carefully licking his paws after having a meal – even though he didn’t touch the food with them at all!

5-7pm: Enjoys the human’s chin rubs as they come back. Watches them make funny noises doing stir fry. Goes up to remind them that they spend too much time cooking / too little petting him.

8pm: Jumps onto his favorite black desk chair and blends into the background…

10pm: Sneaks up to the bed, licking and kneading on the super soft comforter – purring!

Whenever the light’s out: Falls asleep on a desk chair / armchair / end of the bed near the comforter.

They also write that he responds to the name “Tippy” (and sometimes approaches you when you make the right sort of face and gesture) and most times “Meow Meow”.

He doesn’t immediately approach strangers as they come into the room, but certainly doesn’t run away. He can hear someone visiting before they knock on the door!

To make Tippy’s routine part of your routine, write to us at !

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