Julius II loves everyone

**I am adoption pending!**
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Julius II loves everyone – humans, cats and dogs.

He is now fully vetted and estimated to be a mere 10 months old.

With the shape of his eyes and ears, he reminds me very much of HPC alum Mr Bojangles for those who remember that special guy from this time last year.

Julius II is ISO a foster or forever home, so if you would like to meet him, please let us know: hydeparkcatsadoptions@gmail.com

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Revka update

**I am adoption pending!**


Revka is a beautiful 10-month old brown torbie (tabby-tortie). This sweet girl loves and trusts people, and is super smart and playful. She plays fetch! And she’ll play as long as you will. She can live with other cats, but humans will always be her main peeps. She’s not a lap cat but enjoys lounging in the same room as her people, keeping an eye on things and happily greeting visitors. She’s a quick learner, has good scratching and litter box habits, and is learning more every day from her foster brothers about how to be a good cat friend and housemate. This independent, confident girl would prefer a home with adults only, or with older children who can respect her boundaries.

Let HPC know if you want to meet her at hydeparkcatsadoptions@gmail.com !

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