This (kitten) just in: Pickles!


Pickles is very new intake — this 8-10 week old kitten had taken up residence in a back yard, no mama cat to be found. He/she has cute emerald eyes and a fluffy charcoal coat.

Pickles is now indoors and in a safe place but is on our waiting list for a foster home. If you can help please let us know at

Stay tuned for more on Pickles!

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Meet sweet Alice Walker

**I am adoption pending!**

alice-walker alice-walker1

Alice Walker is a gentle, quiet and affectionate 1.5-year-old cat.

Her former owner wanted her as a mouser and tossed her outside to fend for herself when he moved (presumably to a location with fewer rodents).

Alice contracted a very bad eye infection as a consequence and needed to have the eye removed.

She is doing very well now. Alice has tested FIV positive, but like the many other FIV positive cats who have come through our program she can still have a long and healthy life. She can also live safely with other cats.

Huge thanks to Sarah who has provided Alice Walker with so much care thus far.

To meet this lovely lady for yourself, write to us at !

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