Papa Spencer

Papa Spencer2 Papa Spencer

Papa Spencer is your typical gentle giant type of guy.

His fosterer describes him as “the mellowest, sweetest cat. He is a 15 pound lump who will just curl up in your lap and be petted, or snuggle against you. He will roll over for belly rubs, too. He’s never so much as meowed, let alone growled, at me.”

If Papa sounds like your kinda guy, let us know at !


Papa Spencer has been fully vetted and tested positive for FIV. This need not prevent him from having a long, healthy and happy life nor from living safely with other cats, provided that everyone has been spayed or neutered.

PSPapa Spencer


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Lemmy5 Lemmy4 Lemmy2

Introducing Lemmy, a very cuddly cat.

On second thoughts, we’ll let Lemmy introduce himself.

You might be decieved by my shyness at first but don’t let it fool you- I will sleep with you, cuddle with you on the couch and I really enjoy play time. I need 30 min to an hour of play a day and I like having space to run around when I want to play on my own.

I’d be great with kids but older than two because I’m pretty big and rather strong and might unintentionally hurt a small child. My one eye can be a bit red sometimes but I’m such a sweet and caring cat so please let me be part of your home!

What Lemmy doesn’t mention (because he doesn’t know) is that he is a special needs cat, having tested positive for FiV and FelV. We will be re-testing Lemmy in a few months time but for now he is happy and healthy. Lemmy could not, at this stage, live with another cat but a dog would be fine.

For more information on Lemmy, please write to us at


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