Kyrie Irving

KyrieKyrie 2Kyrie 4Kyrie 3

Kyrie Irving trusts and loves you back without judgement.

He enjoys playtime with his feather wand.

He gets down low and shakes his butt a little before he pounces on the toy.

He also enjoys chasing balls and bunny kicking them when he catches them.

His favorite activity is laying next to me all sprawled out or lying in my lap while I scratch his chubby cheeks.

He also enjoys watching nature videos on Youtube and pretending that the birds are real.

To meet him, write to us at !

Kyrie5 Kyrie2Kyrie3

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Angelina 3 Angelina 2

Angelina likes to be pet and to appear around ankles when in the kitchen (hint hint, dinner?)

This pretty young tabby is fully vetted and adoption-ready.

To meet her, write to us at !


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