Bishop and Sinatra

Bishop and Sinatra6 Bishop and Sinatra4 Bishop and Sinatra2 Bishop and Sinatra

Bishop (with stache) and Sinatra are 6 month old males.

They are available separately or to a home with a resident kitty.

Bishop is a little more reserved at first but once he warms up is playful and very sweet.

Sinatra is tiny and fearless and clever and sweet but independent and persistent. He purrs loudly, demands pets on his terms, finds creative ways to hunt the feather on a stick and likes to play in the water bowl.

The kittens’ mother tested positive for FELV but all her kittens have tested negative  and have been re-tested through the IFA method and are negative again.

To meet them, write to us at !


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Dino and Sammy

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Dino and Sammy (the cat with more orange) are a pair of fully vetted brothers, available for adoption.

5 months old, both cats are friendly and love getting petted/rubbing up against their fosterer’s legs.

They’re very energetic around toys, and both voracious eaters.

The kittens’ mother tested positive for FELV, but all her kittens have tested negative and have been re-tested through the IFA method and are negative again.

To meet them, write to us at !

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