Luna Asana and Virgo

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3-year-old pair Virgo (black, female) and Luna (tabby male) are best buddies. They are not at all shy and enjoy grooming each other.
These bffs need a home where they can stay together. To meet them write to us at !

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Chuckles and Puffy

Puffy 1 thumbnail_Puffy and Chuckles

12-year-old pair Chuckles and Puffy need a new home!

Chuckles (brown tabby) is a cat version of a dog. He loves to snuggle, sometimes play fetch, and begs for food. He does not like car rides but loves strangers in the home.
Puffy (black) is amazingly soft. She wants everything on her terms, cat-style. She will be your best friend if she loves you. She will plop down in your lap and force you to pet her. She will beg for belly rubs. She has a very loud purr. She is not good with other animals or humans who make loud noises and sudden movements.

To meet them, send us an email:

Chuckles 2
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