Harley and Ragamuffin

Bonded pair Ragamuffin and Harley definitely love to play, climb high, and help on laundry day.

But they also love to look out the window and they are cutest when they nap cuddled up together.

They love human attention and a warm lap to curl up on attached to a pet session.

Also they make the cutest noises come snack time.

Great brother-sister duo, they are about 3 months old.

To meet them, write to us at hydeparkcatsadoptions@gmail.com !

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Yum Yum and Polo

Yum Yum and Polo are a funny duo. They are a bonded pair of kitten buddies about 3.5 months old.

Yum Yum (with more black) is the personality and Polo (with more white) is her loving brother and fan.

She helped him adjust to inside life and together they enjoy their new future. They are the cutest pair.

Also Yum Yum is high on the cuddle chart while Polo is medium to higher once he gets to know you.

To meet them, write to us at hydeparkcatsadoptions@gmail.com !

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