Tux (9 months old, female) and Tie (1-2 years old, male) are a bonded pair.
Tux and Tie are both shy and easily startled, but affectionate once they warm up to you. Tux is energetic and loves to play with anything that jingles or crinkles. She is motivated by food and always waits quietly by her food bowl in the morning. Tie is curious and loves to explore nooks and crannies. Tie is more wary, but loves attention once he gets to know you. He loves to splay out on the floor next to his human in the evenings, nuzzle up against your leg, and come up for pets (he’ll even try and get in the way if you’re petting Tux instead!).
They are generally quiet cats. When not grooming each other, tussling on the floor, or spending time with you, they can be found relaxing in a dark hiding spot or staring out the window together.
To meet this duo, write to us at hydeparkcatsadoptions@gmail.com