Adoptable Robbie is a one and a half year old, black and gold, male tabby cat. Robbie is very affectionate and playful. He will meet you at the door and stay underfoot. Robbie just wants to be near you and hang out. Robbie is the perfect gentleman and he will come to you when called. Robbie just needs someone to give him a chance at a loving home. You won’t regret it as Robbie will give you so much more in return.
To meet him, write to us at
Adoptable Miss Biscuit [also known as Bisque, Biscky, Fred Durst {get it.. Bizkit]} is a 1 year old Tabico with striking features and colors, so basically an exotic.. but for a fraction of the price. And she runs just as fast as those Bengals anyways. Fun fact: almost all her toe beans are different colors.. like we said, EXOTIC. She is loving indoor life after spending her first months on the street, and will gladly make you biscuits for breakfast, lunch and dinner, hence her moniker. In between shifts at the biscuit factory, she loves her sparkle pom pom wand toy, just learned what a laser pointer is and LOVES IT, and will serenade you while you plate up her wet food [though she also needs her dry food to never reach empty… typical cat].
When she is relaxing on her side [favorite position] she does the cutest little tuck of her front paws giving her what we’ve coined: T-rex arms. They are quick to extend for a toy, but back up she tucks them at rest. Oh, and she’s the only cat in the world that LIKES getting her belly rubbed. Again, Miss Biscuit is basically one of a kind. She’s interacted with dogs and is perfectly content as long as they aren’t swatting her from their lofty heights, is very curious about other cats, and would love a young, playful friend or could be content being a solo house kitty as well.
To meet her, write to us at