Big Daddy George and Florence Pullman

Georgie and Florence6 Georgie and Florence3 Georgie and Florence2 Georgie and Florence

Big Daddy George and Florence Pullman (1 year old) are a bonded pair.

Big Daddy purrs so loudly and is just a gentle giant. Very sweet. He likes to be cuddled as well (not sure about belly rubs) and is a happy as a clam sitting by your side relaxing while getting pet.

Big Daddy G has tested positive for FiV but can still live a long, healthy and happy life and live safely with other cats who are spayed or neutered.and Florence Pullman.

Initially shy, once Florence settles in she is a sweetheart. She loves exploring and comes when called.

Florence also loves to be rubbed under her chin and belly and is a little bit of a drooler.

To meet them, write to us at !


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Breca is a new kitten intake, he is about 6 months old.

He’s very active and loves to play. He’s part dog—he likes playing tug-of-war, he (vaguely) fetches toys, and he loves chasing his tail. (And playing with my other cat, Shiloh’s, tail too.)
His meows are little squeeks which are honestly very cute. He loves cuddling up with Shiloh and nuzzling him, even when Shiloh remains stoic. He also loves jumping on Shiloh’s back when he’s not looking.
Breca’s new favorite activity is to attack my toes under the covers to wake me up in the morning. (My partner and I often wake up to him sitting on our chest or legs. He weighs probably five or six pounds, so it’s not necessarily noticeable while sleeping.)
One thing Breca does not like is hands. He doesn’t enjoy being pet or picked up, and can be skittish. He will lay next to you, or on you, or climb on top of you while you’re on a video call for work, but it has to be on his terms. He will definitely climb into your lap if you offer hit treats though, and you can pet him then.

For more information on meeting Breca, write to us at


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